Adding Custom Icons to the Digital Hive Icon Library

Adding Custom Icons to the Digital Hive Icon Library


Although the default Digital Hive icon library contains over 2,000 icons, our company has specific icons that we need to incorporate into our Hive design. Is it possible to extend the default icon library, beyond the default libraries, to include our custom icons?


In addition to the Core and Carbon icon sets that are included in the default Digital Hive icon library, it is possible to add custom icons. Custom icons have to be added individually, but the library can be extended.

Extending the icon library needs to be configured through files located on the Digital Hive server, so the proper administrative access to the server would be required.
  1. Download the Digital Hive module required to extend the icon library:
  2. On the Digital Hive server, navigate to the <install_directory>\DigitalHive\app\node1\tomcat\webapps\theia\modules directory
  3. Copy the file to the modules directory
  4. Extract the file to the modules directory
  5. Copy your custom icons, in svg format, to the <install_directory>\DigitalHive\app\node1\tomcat\webapps\theia\modules\myCustomSvgIcons\icons directory
  6. Navigate to the <install_directory>\DigitalHive\app\node1\tomcat\webapps\theia\modules\myCustomSvgIcons directory
  7. Open the index.js file in a text editor
  8. This file has multiple sections to modify:
    1. Give the icon library a unique name. The default setting is const internalName = 'myIcons'  so replace the myIcons with a custom name (if desired, this is only a unique internal name)
    2. Add a friendly label as this is the label that will show up in the UI for your users. The default setting is const label = 'My Icons' so replace My Icons with the desired label
    3. Create the metadata listing for each individual svg file. As part of the example, 6 custom icons are included. These entries could be modified for your icons, or they can be duplicated and edited. For each svg file a section like this needs to be present, which defines how the values appear in the UI.  
    4. The value of lightning_cloud is an internal name but this has to be unique.
    5. the value for svgURL must point to the location on the Digital Hive server where the svg file resides. If step 5 was followed, only the blue_cloud.svg part of the value needs to be replaced with the file name for your icon
    6. The value for label is what the icon will be called in the UI
    7. The tags that are defined indicate what keywords will cause this icon to appear as part of the icon search
  9. Save the changes to the index.js file
  10. Navigate to the <install_directory>\DigitalHive\app\node1\tomcat\webapps\theia directory
  11. Open the config.json file in a text editor
  12. Modify the "modules" line so that it looks like this "modules": ["myCustomSvgIcons"], ensuring that the trailing comma is present
  13. Save the config.json file
No restart of the server would be required for the setting to take affect, but users will have to refresh their browsers to see the changes.

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