Connecting Digital Hive to GoodData

Connecting Digital Hive to GoodData


We would like to integrate our GoodData content into the Digital Hive platform. Is this possible?


As of the Digital Hive 2024.3 release, it is possible to connect Digital Hive to the GoodData platform. Before GoodData content can be accessed through Digital Hive, there is some prerequisite work that needs to happen in the GoodData administration tool.

Create an API access token 

This token will be required for the Digital Hive system credential, which is used for indexing content. It is recommended that this user has access to all content that will be made available in Digital Hive.

Please refer to the GoodData documentation on how to create an API access token:

Create a CORS policy

This will be required to make the GoodData resources, which are hosted on one domain, accessible to you from the domain where Digital Hive is running.
Please refer to the GoodData documentation on how to configure a CORS policy:

Create User tokens 

End users will require their own personal access tokens, which only Administrators can create for them.

Please refer to the GoodData documentation on how to create an API access token:

Creating the Digital Hive GoodData Connector

  1. Log into Digital Hive as an administrator
  2. Click on the user avatar and select Manage Digital Hive
  3. Select Content
  4. Press the New Connector link
  5. Select 
  6. Provide a Display Name. This will be the name that is visible to users as they browse and search for content
  7. Change the Authentication Method to GoodData personal access token
  8. Enter the Username to be used as the System Credential
  9. Enter the API Key value obtained from GoodData
  10. Choose whether the System Credential will be used as your credential or if a different account will be used
  11. Provide the GoodData Base URL which will look something like this: 
  12. Press Next
Once the connector has been added, source content will have to be 'enabled' to be accessible from within Digital Hive. Please consult this document for further steps:

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