How do we connect Digital Hive to Qlik Sense?
As a Digital Hive administrator, connecting to Qlik Sense can be accomplished via the following steps:
Create a Qlik Sense Certificate
Launch Qlik Management Console (QMC)
Certificates- Add machine name of the Digital Hive server, enter a password (in this example: secret), note where the certificate will be exported to and click Export certificates
- In File Explorer, navigate to where the certificates were exported too, in this example: c:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Repository\Exported Certificates
- Copy and paste the generated certificates to a folder on the Digital Hive server (outside of the Digital Hive install, in this example: c:\Qlikcerts)
Steps to Generate a Java Keystore
- Launch Command Prompt as Administrator
- Navigate to where the Qlik certificate was placed, in this example cd c:\QlikCerts
- Create a client Java keystore by excuting this command (note in this example, secret was the password we created)
c:\DigitalHive\Java\bin\keytool.exe -importkeystore -srckeystore "client.pfx" -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore "client.jks" -deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass secret -deststorepass secret -noprompt - Create a server keystore by executing this command
c:\DigitalHive\Java\bin\keytool.exe -import -alias QlikCA -keystore "root.jks" -file "root.cer" -storepass secret -noprompt
Adding Qlik Sense Connection Settings in Digital Hive
- Launch Digital Hive and login with an admin account
- Click your avatar (your initials on the top right)
- Select Manage Digital Hive
- Select Make connections to add content
- Select Qlik Sense
- Enter a name for the connector, in this example Qlik Sense
- For the Authentication Method, select either Qlik Sense User Pass or Qlik Sense SSO, based on what kind of authentication your Qlik Server uses:
- If you use Qlik Sense User Pass, in the System Credentials section enter the User Name, Password, and Namespace information
- If your server is using Qlik Sense SSO, in the System Credentials section enter User Name and Namespace information
NOTE: Namespace is the User directory
in QMC:
- For Your Account enter a user that we can authenticate with to finish the configuration. Assuming, you have a Qlik Sense account, select a different account and enter the Username, Password and Namespace
- For Server Information, for Server Type, select Qlik Sense Server and For Base Url, enter the fully qualified name of the Qlik Server
- For the Properties section modify any information that is not correct (for example, if you use different ports). You will have to enter the Certificate Folder, Root Certificate Pass, Client Certificate Pass and Default Namespace
- Now you will want to add Qlik Sense content that you want to access in Digital Hive. In this example, I already have other folders added. If this is your first connector, you won't see that.
- You don't have to this, but I like to create Folders for each connector and then add content to them. Click to add a new folder
- Give the fodler a name, in this case Qlik Sense
- Go into that folder, by clicking Qlik Sense. You should now be in the Qlik Sense folder that you created
- You should see all the content that you can expose
- You can now drag the folders that you want to make available in Digital Hive to the Qlik Sense folder you created. Or if you want to make everything available, you can drag to the Qlik Sense folder you created.
- Click
You are now able to display Qlik Sense content to your Hives.