Create a Digital Hive Azure App Registration for PowerBI

Create a Digital Hive Azure App Registration for PowerBI


Are there any prerequisites for connecting PowerBI to Digital Hive so that users can access PowerBI content?


Similar to other Cloud based hosted solutions that use REST interfaces, like Google and Box, an Azure AD application to use with Power BI has to be registered BEFORE connectivity from Digital Hive is possible. The creation of the application must be done by a Microsoft Azure administrator.

1.      Launch

2.     Sign in to Azure with an administrator account

3.     Select the Azure Active Directory  menu option 

4.    Select the App registrations   menu option

5.     Click New registration 

6.    On the Register an application screen, provide a Name for the application

7.    Select the required Supported account types option. Typically, Accounts in this organizational directory only is selected, but this value will vary based on the needs of your installation

8.    The Redirect URI (optional) is very important (and NOT optional) as it allows Power BI to return to Digital Hive during the authentication process. The value for this parameter should be https://digitalhive_servername:9443/Theia/oauth/authFinish (example). The drop-down value should be set to Web

9.    Press Register

10.  Select the API permissions  menu option

11.    Click on Add a permission 

12.  Select the Power BI Service option 

      13.  For the What type of permissions does your application require? option, select Delegated permissions

14.  Select the following permissions by expanding each section



Note: If the PowerBI Persistent Filters feature is required for use within Digital Hive, the UserState.ReadWrite.All API permission is required.

      15.  Press Add permissions

16.  Optional: At the bottom of the API permissions screen, press the Grant admin consent for to bypass the content screen for end users. Press Yes

17.  Select Certificates & secrets 

18.  Press New client secret

19.  Enter a Description and select Never for the expiry

20. Press Add

21.  Take note of the Value as this will be used in Digital Hive (as appSecret) to establish the connection to Power BI


Helpful tip: Copy this value at this point because it will not be visible again. If this appSecret is lost, simply create a new appSecret by redoing steps 18-20

22. From the App registrations screen, take note of the APPLICATION (CLIENT) ID value for the newly created application



 To create the Digital Hive connector consult the following Help Center article:

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