Using OIDC or Oauth as the Authentication Source for Digital Hive

Using OIDC or Oauth as the Authentication Source for Digital Hive


Can Digital Hive leverage OIDC (OpenID Connect) or Oauth as the authentication source for Digital Hive?


Digital Hive can be configured to use OIDC and/or Oauth authentication, but some default configuration parameters will have to be modified. 
It is highly recommended that OIDC and Oauth integration is configured BEFORE a user has logged into the Digital Hive application. If a user has previously logged into Digital Hive before OIDC/Oauth was configured, please contact the Customer Success team at

Note: After completing these steps, the first user to log into Digital Hive will be the Super User so please make sure that the first user to access Digital Hive is the intended Super User.

Specify OIDC authentication type and server

  1. Using the Windows File Explorer, navigate to the <install directory>\DigitalHive\app\node1\tomcat\conf directory
  2. Open the file in a text editor
  3. Locate these entries within the file, usually at the bottom of the file (these are the settings for OKTA, Google, and Azure providers)

  4. Change the value to either okta, google, or azure. In this example, OKTA will be used as the security provider
  5. Set the value for to OFF

  6. Change the values of the okta strings to match your authentication provider

  7. Save the changes to the file
Configuration settings for Microsoft Azure would look similar to:

Configuration settings for Google would look similar to:

Configure multiple authentication providers

It is possible to configure multiple OIDC/Oauth security providers for Digital Hive authentication. Each section must be completed in the (as per the guidance above) and the registration provider string must include the different options separated by a semi-colon ;

When multiple providers are used, when users log in to Digital Hive, they will be forced to first select a provider.

Configure Digital Hive to use OIDC / Oauth

  1. From within the Services panel, stop the DigitalHive-node1 service
  2. Using the Windows File Explorer, navigate to the <install directory>\DigitalHive\app\node1\tomcat\bin directory
  3. Right click on the tomcat10w.exe file (tomcat9w.exe if using an older version of Digital Hive)
  4. Select Create shortcut
  5. Drag the newly created tomcat10w.exe - Shortcut to the desktop
  6. Right click on the tomcat10w.exe - Shortcut
  7. Select Properties
  8. On the Shortcut tab, append //ES//DigitalHive-node1 to the Target making sure that there is a space between the value and the appended string
  9. Click OK
  10. Double click the Desktop tomcat10w.exe - Shortcut
  11. Click Yes
  12. Select the Java tab
  13. In the Java Options: section add to the list of strings (you can also take this opportunity to increase the amount of memory that Digital Hive can use by changing the two memory settings at the bottom of the dialog)
  14. Click OK
  15. From within the Services panel, start the DigitalHive-node1 service
Digital Hive is now configured to use OIDC and/or Oauth providers for authentication. 

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