Displaying a Specific PowerBI Report Page

Displaying a Specific PowerBI Report Page


Within in PowerBI report, there are multiple pages. When a PowerBI report is embedded into Digital Hive, the default page is shown, but I would like for a different page to be displayed. For example, the default page is Overview but I want to be able to have the Content page displayed when a user views the Digital Hive page with the embedded PBI report. 

Is this possible in Digital Hive?


This KB document applies to Digital Hive versions earlier than 2.1. For detailed steps on how to display a specific PowerBI report in versions greater than 2.1, please consult https://support.digitalhive.com/portal/en/kb/articles/displaying-a-specific-powerbi-report-page-later-2-1

It is possible to alter the default view of the PowerBI report, but this can only be accomplished by a Digital Hive user that has edit privileges to the Hive. To apply the technique, the pageID for the desired PowerBI report page is also required.
  1. Open the PowerBI report directly in the PowerBI application
  2. Click on the page that will be the desired view in Digital Hive. Following the provided example, this would be the Content page
  3. Once the desired page is displayed within PowerBI, look at the URL in the browsers address bar. It will look something like https://app.powerbi.com/groups/b74ea01b-9326-4dfb-a514-e1076ce0d8eb/reports/5e33820b-529f-4tc7-bc9f-ad737f4aba03/ReportSection4f0f8cdbe833591e491c
  4. Take note of the final part of the URL (after the last /) as this is the PageID that will be required within Digital Hive (ReportSection4f0f8cdbe833591e491c in this example)
  5. Launch Digital Hive
  6. Navigate to the desired Hive and open the Designer by clicking on the Hive Launcher in the upper left hand corner, and selecting the Open Designer option
  7. Select the Hive page where the embedded PowerBI report resides, or add a new PowerBI report to an existing page
  8. Click on the PowerBI report to open the Embedded Viewer properties for that report
  9. In the Artifact section of the properties panel, click on the Execution parameters icon  which is located to the right of the Content to display property
  11. Paste the PageID into the Specific page to embed field
  12. You will notice that the page view changes to the desired page
  13. Save the changes
  14. Exit the Designer
  15. Once the page reloads, you will see that the default page has now been changed

Hiding the other PowerBI report pages

Sometimes it will be desirable to only display a particular page from a PowerBI report, and not provide users with the ability to navigate to other PowerBI report pages. This can be accomplished through the various Execution parameters within Digital Hive.
  1. Launch Digital Hive
  2. Navigate to the desired Hive and open the Designer by clicking on the Hive Launcher in the upper left hand corner, and selecting the Open Designer option
  3. Select the Hive page where the embedded PowerBI report resides, or add a new PowerBI report to an existing page
  4. Click on the PowerBI report to open the Embedded Viewer properties for that report
  5. In the Artifact section of the properties panel, click on the Execution parameters icon  which is located to the right of the Content to display property
  6. This view shows various settings that can be enabled/disabled to show/hide different elements of the PowerBI report
  7. To hide the page menu, change the checkbox value for Show page navigation in embed by clicking on the checkbox or the label
  8. The default value is  (undefined) and by clicking on the label or checkbox, the value will change between  (enabled/shown) and  (disabled/hidden). Ensure that the checkbox has this value  to hide the page navigation bar
  9. Save the changes
  10. Exit the Designer
  11. Once the page reloads, you will see that the ability to navigate pages is no longer available

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