Installing Digital Hive 2024.3 on Linux

Installing Digital Hive 2024.3 on Linux


The 2024.3 Digital Hive release brings a lot of new capabilities to the market. In order to deliver some of the new features, changes to the underlying technology stack that underpins the Digital Hive solution had to be made. The 2024.3 release includes modernization to both PostgreSQL (Digital Hive Content Store) and ElasticSearch (provides the search capabilities). Although a lot of effort went in to upgrading the components and to minimize the effort required to install Digital Hive, there are some additional installation steps that must be performed to successfully install Digital Hive 2024.3 on Linux.

Installing a new instance of Digital Hive on Linux requires special installation considerations, and the Digital Hive Installation and Configuration Overview article can be followed.

Pre-installation Steps

  1. Create a non-root user to use for the Digital Hive installation
  2. Edit the limits.conf file, for example, sudo vi /etc/security/limits.conf
  3. Add the following properties and save the file (include the *)

    * soft nofile 65536

    * hard nofile 65536

    * soft nproc 8192

    * hard nproc 8192

    * soft memlock unlimited

    * hard memlock unlimited

  4. Using sudo, edit sysctl.conf 
     sudo vi /etc/sysctl.conf

  5. Add the following lines and save the file
    #Added for Elasticsearch

  6. Reboot the server 
    sudo reboot

Postgres Installation Steps (This example uses Ubuntu, the Linux commands will be slightly different on other Linux flavours)

Here is an article that explains how to install PostgreSQL 16 on RHEL-Based Linux

  1. Apply the latest Linux updates:  sudo apt-get update
  2. Enable PostgreSQL Repository:  sudo apt install postgresql
  3. Allow other computers to connect to Postgres:  sudo vi /etc/postgresql/16/main/postgresql.conf
  4. Change listen_address from localhost to *, and remove the '#' in front of listen_addresses
    listen_addresses = ‘*’
  5. Ensure PostgreSQL is running by running: sudo systemctl status postgresql
    1. If it's not running, start PostgreSQL: sudo systemctl start postgresql
  6. Set the password for the postgres user:  sudo -u postgres psql template1
  7. Run this SQL:  alter user postgres with encrypted password ‘your_password’;
  8. Type: exit
  9. Change the authentication for the postgres user allowed for the template1 database to use md5 authentication:
    sudo vi /etc/postgresql/16/main/pg_hba.conf
  10. Add this line (changing <local network IP> to your private IP):
    hostssl  template1           all               <local network IP>           md5
  11. Restart Postgres:  sudo systemctl restart postgresql.service
  12. Create a Postgres user for the Digital Hive content store
    sudo -u postgres psql template1
  13. At the template1=# prompt, run this SQL (replacing admin1234 with whatever password you want)
    create user dhadmin password 'admin1234';
  14. Create the Digital Hive database
    create database digitalhive;
  15. Grant permissions to that digitalhive database to the dhadmin user
    grant all on database digitalhive to dhadmin;
  16. Give the dhadmin user createrole permission
    alter role dhadmin with CREATEROLE;
  17. Exit psql
You now have a Postgres Digital Hive database that can be used for the Digital Hive content store

Digital Hive Installation Steps

  1. Download Digital Hive 2024.3 - Linux and SFTP to the Linux server
  2. Open a Linux terminal and login as the Digital Hive user
  3. Create a directory in your Digital Hive root, called installer.  For example, in my environment, the Digital Hive user home is /home/digitalhive/DigitalHive and I created a directory in there called installer:  /home/digitalhive/DigitalHive/installer
  4. If you didn't SFTP into that folder directly, move the file to that directory:  mv DigitalHive-2024.3_linux-x64.tar.gz /home/digitalhive/DigitalHive
    if you used root to SFTP the file to the server, then you will have to chown and chgrp the file to the Digital Hive user, For example:
    chown digitalhive DigitalHive-2024.3_linux-x64.tar.gz
    chgrp digitalhive  DigitalHive-2024.3_linux-x64.tar.gz
  5. If you're not logged in as the Digital Hive user, then: su digitalhive
  6. Unzip the file:  gunzip DigitalHive-2024.3_linux-x64.tar.gz
  7. Untar the file: tar -xvf DigitalHive-2024.3_linux-x64.tar
  8. Run the installer with this command:  ./
  9. At this prompt: Press 1
  10. Enter Licensee name:  <your license name>
  11. Enter License key:  <your license key>
  12. Press 1 to continue
  13. Press spacebar until this prompt:  Press 1 to accept, 2 to reject, 3 to display
  14. Enter 1
  15. Enter 0 (or press Enter) to Install
  16. Enter 1
  17. Enter 0 or Press Enter (for Express)
  18. Enter 0 or Press Enter (for full installation)
  19. Enter 1

  20. Enter the Digital Hive installation path (or press enter to accept the default path)
  21. Enter (assuming it is correct)
  22. Enter 1

  23. Press Enter or put in whatever name you want at this prompt
  24. Enter a password and confirm the password
  25. Enter 1
  26. Enter the hostname or IP
  27. Enter the name of the database that you created

  28. Press Enter (if the port is correct) or enter the correct port (in this example 5433)
  29. Enter the Digital Hive user that you created earlier, in this example dhadmin
  30. Enter and confirm that Digital Hive user password

  31. Enter 1
  32. Enter 1 (if you want to install IQ)
  33. Enter 1
  34. Press Enter for all of these ports (or enter a port that you want to use)

  35. Enter 1

  36. Installation will begin and end with a message stating that it was successful

Digital Hive should be successfully installed now

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