This articles details the new product features, enhancements, and resolved issues, that were included as part of the Digital Hive 2024.2 release.
New Features & Enhancements
Control Center - Search tab
Search is a very powerful use case within Digital Hive and to support the search functionality, indices of the different types of content must be scheduled and built. In order to provide Digital Hive administrators with better insight and control into the indexing process, a new Control Center Search view has been made available. This view provides administrators with a single interface to manage all scheduled index jobs, see what jobs are currently executing, and gain access to historical results as well as a breakdown of where the content is coming from.
Discoverable Search
By default, all content visible in Digital Hive is content that a user has been granted access to in the source content systems. This is due to the fact that when a user logs into Digital Hive, they are also seamlessly logged into the underlying content systems, as themselves. While is this a typical way of deploying Digital Hive, there is an increasing trend towards providing users with more self-service capabilities. One way that self-service is being promoted, is to display ALL content to a user, whether they have access to it or not. Content that a user can't access, would suppress the thumbnail and in it's place, display a lock icon.
The rationale behind this is that if there is a report that exists, and the user doesn't have access to it, it is far better off to let the user request access to the report than to either create a new copy of that report, potentially in a different BI system, or log an internal help desk ticket to have a new report created. These scenarios introduce a proliferation of duplicate content as well as adding to the already taxed IT backlog.
Export to PDF
Digital Hive now offers the ability to export Hive pages to either a PDF or image files. To accomplish this, a browser extension must be added to the user's browser.
Populate Active Directory user properties
Some Digital Hive environments did not initially configure user properties like name and email to automatically populate when the Digital Hive user accounts were created. It is now possible, following the enabling of the attribute synchronization, to retroactively populate the attributes for existing Digital Hive users.
- As an administrator log into Digital Hive
- Click on the user avatar and select Manage Digital Hive
- Within the Control Center, click on Security
- In the right-hand panel, click Advanced...
- Click the Refresh Users AD Info link
This is a one time operation as all existing users, without synchronized attributes, will have their details populated from Active Directory. Any new accounts that are created in the future will already have these details populated for them.
Removing stale Active Directory users
Every organization experiences growth and turnover when it comes to the number of users that are found in Active Directory. To ensure a consistent user list between Active Directory and Digital Hive, it is now possible to synchronize the user lists. This will remove old users from Digital Hive and free up the available licenses.
Share content to Microsoft Teams
Digital Hive provides the ability for users to share content directly through Microsoft Teams. This enables users to collaborate with individual users or groups and ensures that the report security, and access through Digital Hive, is still respected. This also removes the need for users to download reports into different formats and then distribute the reports, causing the organization to lose control of their reporting assets.
JWT Tableau authentication
For Tableau environments that leverage JWT based authentication, it is now possible to configure the Digital Hive Tableau connector to support JWT.
Embed Sharepoint Online lists
In some organizations, Sharepoint lists are heavily utilized. Digital Hive now provides the ability to access lists from a Sharepoint site. Lists in Sharepoint don't typically reside within a documents library and can be added to the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the Sharepoint UI.
When a Digital Hive administrator now looks at the possible mount points for a Sharepoint site, they will not only see the different document libraries, but there will also be an option to mount Sharepoint lists.
Browsing the DigitalHive - Lists folder will show the available lists, which can be viewed or embedded onto a Hive page.
The list formatting that is available in Sharepoint is not available through the API calls, so when the content is embedded, the list data is retrieved and then displayed in a basic list format.
Updated labels for IBM Cognos report versions and output
In previous versions of Digital Hive, IBM Cognos report output and versions titles, including bursted reports, were simply timestamps of when the output/version was created. To better align with the naming convention of output and versions with IBM Cognos Analytics, Digital Hive has updated the format of the titles.
For example, when viewing the versions and output for reports in IBM Cognos Analytics, here is what is displayed for regular report output (containing different report formats and languages) as well as bursted content (different burst keys and output types):
In Digital Hive, when browsing content, the IBM Cognos labels are replicated to the content visible from Digital Hive.
Qlik Cloud Connector
New in this release is a connector for Qlik Cloud.
API Key authentication for IBM Cognos
New in thia release is the ability to leverage API keys generated in IBM Cognos Analytics, to secure and access Cognos content. This method of authentication should be considered when traditional Single Sign On options aren't possible. Each user will have to have to create their own API key for user within Digital Hive.
Open to a specific page in a PDF document
When embedding PDF files that have been uploaded to the Digital Hive file system, or come from a Network File Share (File System Connector) it is possible to configure the PDF to open to a specific page. In the Hive Designer, there are some new advanced properties, accessible through the Execution Parameters icon
. Setting the PDF page number, 3 in this example, will cause the PDF to open to page 3 when embedded onto a Hive page.
Resolved Issues
· When a user tries to remove a permission in File System connector artifact, the file disappears
· Unable to add global tag
· Array of numbers type data field custom field is not showing validation message if user enters a value above or below the range
· Updated several jar files to address the latest security scans
· Multiple login entries for a given session id
· Tableau Lens filters do not pass user selected filter values
· Lack of word wrapping in text boxes causes sluggishness in Designer
· Array of strings custom field doesn’t show values
· Tableau session warmup (for internal server type) stopped working
· OAuth popup automatically chooses last account when trying to change accounts
· Unable to add interests after a certain limit
· Accessibility issues
· Unable to add shorcut of a report in Embedded Viewer tile
· Image is not visible in Image tile if click action is set to nothing
· Cognos groups without en or en-us aren’t working properly
· Upgrade from 2.1 to 2024.1.1 fails
· After upgrade to 2024.1, tm1.ssl.workaround.enable property stopped working
· Potential duplicate entries in audit views